About the Journal
GPS: Global Performance Studies is a peer-reviewed, Open Access academic journal. We provide a platform for scholars and artists engaged in a broad range of performance studies, including contemporary performance practices; theory, politics, social and cultural contexts of and as performance; performance and visual arts and media; and practices of resilience and care for everyday life. We emphasize a global perspective on these themes and practices, and aim to support under-represented narratives and epistemologies that trouble and contest the discipline of performance studies.
Current Issue

Edited by Laurie Beth Clark, Jazmin Llana, and Michael Peterson
Concurrent issue with Performance Research, vol. 28, no. 7, On Hunger
Cover image: Elmer Borlongan, AMRK (2017). Oil on canvas, 5'x5'. Gifted to Precious Leaño and Alex Baluyut. Reproduced with permission by ARMK and the artist.