peach grove


  • em irvin University of California Davis


toilet paper, performance, agriculture


i plant a grove of peaches in a field. the peaches are toilet paper, marketed to smell and look like peaches. they quilt the earth planted in a grid, like tiles, giving space to each square for the potential to grow just as peaches are planted in hopes that their seeds will grow. however, the toilet paper peaches will never grow. they will never nourish me. they will only decay as paper does and poison the soil with their perfume.

Author Biography

em irvin, University of California Davis

em irvin (they/them) is a performer who asks clay questions to consider kinds of encounters with clay, centering material agency to explore the liberatory possibilities of clay. They think about porosity as a way to access and dismantle exclusionary boundaries, working to create inclusive disciplines, studios, and practices. irvin does this by wriggling through tight and exclusionary spaces, working to break barriers from within their porous structure. This practice drives their work as a Ph.D. student in Performance Studies at the University of California Davis.






Creative Interventions