Transforming Food into a Political Device: A Biopolitical Reading of the Olla Común and the Fight against Hunger in Chile



Chile, biopolitics, ollas comunes


This paper explores the transformative role of the Chilean olla común (common pot) as a political device in the fight against hunger, framed within a biopolitical context. The olla común, a traditional form of community meal preparation by volunteers using donated or collected food, has historically emerged during crises such as earthquakes, political upheavals, and health emergencies. By providing nourishment and fostering social cohesion, the olla común transcends its immediate practical function to become a site of political and cultural significance.  We analyze the olla común through the lens of biopolitics, considering how these communal meals operate as tools of resistance and empowerment in times of crisis. The concept of performativity is employed to understand the olla común both “in” performance—where it is represented in a theatrical or stylized manner—and “as” performance—highlighting the everyday theatricality and transformative actions inherent in these communal practices. Post-dictatorship Chilean theatre and art often depict the olla común, emphasizing its role in redefining social norms and identities within a liminal space that challenges conventional structures.  The liminal dimension of the olla común allows it to transcend typical social boundaries, fostering solidarity and mutual support. This paper examines how these communal meals facilitate shifts in individual and collective identities, challenging established social hierarchies and promoting new forms of community connection. The ritualistic aspects of the olla común, with shared practices and symbols, further unite communities, serving as expressions of resistance and sources of healing. Ultimately, this study positions the olla común as a powerful biopolitical device, transforming food into a medium of social transformation and political action. By analyzing the olla común through the frameworks of biopolitics and gastropolitics proposed by  Appadurai,  Montecino and Foerster, and Escobar, we highlight its significance in addressing hunger and fostering resilience in Chilean communities.

Author Biographies

Paulina Bronfman, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

Dr. Paulina Bronfman is Postdoctoral Researcher of the ANILLO project Gender, Biopolitics, and Creation: New Forms of Government of Life and Gender Social Relations for New Practices, Theories funded by  ANID Chile (National Research and Development Agency) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. She holds a Master's and a PhD in Education Studies at the University of York, United Kingdom. Her work explores the intersections between Gender, Performance and Cultural Studies. Dr Bronfman is author of the book, Performance, ciudadania y activismo en Chile 2010-2020 (Editorial Oso Liebre). Currently she is working on her second book, Scenic and performative practices as an ecological strategy in Chile (2010-2020), focused on environmental artistic activism, funded by the  Chilean Ministry of Culture and Arts.

Pamela Soto García, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile

Pamela Soto García. PhD in Philosophy. Researcher at the Gender Observatory in Science and Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. She is a member of the Network of Feminist Philosophers in Chile. She has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses at various universities in Valparaíso. Currently, she is the Principal Researcher of the project: “Gender, Biopolitics, and Creation: New Forms of Government of Life and Gender Social Relations for New Practices, Theories funded by  ANID Chile (National Research and Development Agency). In this project, she critically examines, from feminism and contemporary political theory, some theoretical discussions that allow for thinking about another organization for the biopolitical and gender categories from practices, emphasizing the affirmative elements present in these discussions. Besides, she participates in other projects with national and international funding. She recently published "María Zambrano. The Times of Democracy" in Editorial Herder (2023) and has publications in mainstream journals and book chapters.




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Hunger Action