¿Qué Vamos a Comer? Colombia's Mojojoy!


  • Ana Martínez Texas State University
  • Verónica Martínez Andean Area University Foundation, Areandina
  • Juan Ochoa Andean Area University Foundation, Areandina

Author Biographies

Ana Martínez, Texas State University

Ana Martínez, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance at Texas State University. Her book Performance in the Zócalo: Constructing History, Race, and Identity in Mexico's Central Square from the Colonial Era to the Present (University of Michigan Press, 2020) was selected as one out of six finalists for the Theatre Library Association's 2020 George Freedley Memorial Award. Her current research focus on Latin American performance, ecology, and migration. Collaborator of Lenguajes Gastronómicos.

Verónica Martínez , Andean Area University Foundation, Areandina

Verónica Martínez Guzmán has a Doctorate in Educational Sciences from the University of Cartagena, Colombia. Master in Social Communication Universidad del Norte. Social Communicator Technological University of Bolívar. National Research Manager Leader and Teaching Researcher of the Faculty of Design, Communication and Fine Arts at the Andean Area University Foundation, Areandina. Collective Member of Lenguajes Gastronómicos.

Juan Ochoa, Andean Area University Foundation, Areandina

Juan Sebastián Ochoa Laverde has a Masters in Photography from Kingston University London. Graphic Designer University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Photographic Image Producer University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Professor of the Graphic Design program of the Faculty of Design, Communication and Fine Arts at the Andean Area University Foundation, Areandina. Collective Member of Lenguajes Gastronómicos.





Creative Interventions