The Refugee/Humanitarian Crisis: Performing Documents-Fragments — The Analogy between Racism and Speciesism


  • Suzana Marjanić Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research

Author Biography

Suzana Marjanić, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research

Suzana Marjanić (1969), a research advisor, is on the staff at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb, where she realises her interests in the theories of ritual and myth, animal studies and the anthropology of performance (art). She published the book Voices of “Bygone Days”: Transgressions of Worlds in Krleža’s Notes 1914-1921/22 (2005), the book Chronotope of Croatian Performance Art: From Traveleri until Today (2014) and The Topoi of Performance Art: A Local Perspective (Durieux, HS AICA, 2017). She co-edited the collection Cultural Bestiary (Zagreb, 2007) and its sequel Literary Animal: Cultural Bestiary 2 (2012) with A. Zaradija Kiš, The Folklore Studies Reader (2010) with M. Hameršak, Mythical Anthology (2010) with I. Prica and Krleža’s EU/rope furiosum with B. Koštić. Editorship: Editorial Board Member of Narodna umjetnost, Treća: Journal of the Centre for Women’s Studies (from 2004) and the bi-weekly journal Zarez (until 2016 when the journal was abolished).


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