Sequence 02: A Video Case Study of Online Detournement(s) and “Sexual Decoys”


  • Denise Ackerl Chelsea College of Art

Author Biography

Denise Ackerl, Chelsea College of Art

Since October 2015, Denise A. is a practice-based PhD student at Chelsea College of Art. In her research, which is situated in the context of cyberfeminism(s) and cognitive capitalism, she explores strategies of resistance in the digital space from a feminist performance perspective. In her performance and video works she tests specifically the strategies of over-identification and opacity as forms of resistance towards post-Fordist production modes. In 2017 she received the TECHNE doctoral research award and in 2016 the MEAD award for the British School at Rome residency. She was an invited speaker and performer at numerous events e.g. the Feminist Internet Symposium at Central Saint Martins (July 2017), Venice Agendas 2017 (Margate and Folkestone) and the Absolute Demolition: Gender and Anarchy event at the ICA London (July 2016). Previously to her PhD, she completed the MA Fine Art of UAL, and the BSc. in Business Administration, PGD in Fine Art/painting and studied BA in Political Sciences in Vienna.


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