Print Friendly, PDF & Email Adib Barreiro, Alvaro, Geraldine García Matas, Belén Banegas, and Mariana Meerhoff. “‘Aqui plantamos sueños y esperanzas’: la experiencia de El Nido durante la pandemia” (‘Here we plant dreams and hopes’: the experience of El Nido during the pandemic). Global Performance Studies, vol. 6, nos. 1–2, 2023,

“Aqui plantamos sueños y esperanzas”: la experiencia de El Nido durante la pandemia

“Here we plant dreams and hopes”: the experience of El Nido during the pandemic

a video by Alvaro Adib Barreiro, Geraldine García Matas, Belén Banegas, and Mariana Meerhoff


During the Performance Studies international conference on Hunger in July 2022, interlocutors from five continents (some of whom had initially convened at an online conference of the South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability in 2021) offered a range of disciplinary perspectives (historical, sociological, agricultural, ecological, and religious) on hunger and hunger action. The panel concluded with a video from a group in Uruguay about the work of one of the ollas populares (communal kitchens) that emerged in Uruguay during the pandemic. While you can find the conversation remade for print in the companion volume of Performance Research, the video created by Alvaro Adib and Mariana Meerhoff appears here.

Alvaro Adib Barreiro is the Founder of He is a photographer and studied Anthropology at UdelaR, Uruguay. He trained as a documentary filmmaker at the Universidad Popular de Madres de Plaza de Mayo. He is a specialist in Artistic Education from the Centro de Altos Estudios de la OEI and holds a diploma in Education and Media from FLACSO. From La Casa del Árbol he produces audiovisual content for children, art education workshops and training activities for teachers.

Dr. Mariana Meerhoff is a Professor of Ecology in the Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay. She is also a former member of the Advisory Board of the South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies and actively promotes the connection between science and policy. Her area of research involves the study of effects of global change on natural ecosystems, recently including the food system as a major socio-ecological system. She led a research and outreach project on the effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Uruguayan food system, focusing on environmental and social resilience.


Production and interviews: Geraldine García Matas and Belén Banegas

Camera and Edition: Alvaro Adib Barreiro

Coordination: Mariana Meerhoff


CSEAM – Universidad de la República, Uruguay (Udelar) to Project "Impact of the Sanitary Emergency on the Food Pathways in Uruguay" CSEAM-2020-111.


CURE-Udelar, SARAS Institute, University of Wisconsin Madison.


Donovan Armand Pilon, Lucia Beron, Paola Manzolido, Maria Amalia Noel, Leonardo Rivas

COVID-Foodways project team